Senin, 28 November 2016


   Hey guys in this blog, i'll be showing you guys about Indonesian architectures. There are Religious architectures (Hindu-Buddhist and Vernacular Islamic), Palace architectures, Colonial architectures, Post Independence architectures, Contemporary architectures.
Gadang House

Examples of architecture
  • Batak architecture (North Sumatra) includes the boat-shaped jabu homes of the Toba Batak people, with dominating carved gables and dramatic oversized roof, and are based on an ancient model.
  • The Minangkabau of West Sumatra build the rumah gadang, distinctive for their multiple gables with dramatically upsweeping ridge ends.
  • The homes of Nias peoples include the omo sebua chiefs' houses built on massive ironwood pillars with towering roofs. Not only are they almost impregnable to attack in former tribal warfare, but flexible nail-less construction provide proven earthquake durability.
  • Rumah Melayu Malay traditional houses built on stilts of Sumatra, Borneo and Malay Peninsula.
  • The Riau region is characterised by villages built on stilts over waterways.
  • Unlike most South East Asian vernacular homes, Javanese joglo are not built on piles, and have become the Indonesian vernacular style most influenced by European architectural elements.
  • The Bubungan Tinggi, with their steeply pitched roofs, are the large homes of Banjarese royalty and aristocrats in South Kalimantan.
  • Traditional Balinese homes are a collection of individual, largely open structures (including separate structures for the kitchen, sleeping areas, bathing areas and shrine) within a high-walled garden compound.
  • The Sasak people of Lombok build lumbung, pile-built bonnet-roofed rice barns, that are often more distinctive and elaborate than their houses (see Sasak architecture).
  • Dayak people traditionally live in communal longhouses that are built on piles. The houses can exceed 300 m in length, in some cases forming a whole village.
  • The Toraja of the Sulawesi highlands are renowned for their tongkonan, houses built on piles and dwarfed by massive exaggerated-pitch saddle roofs.
  • Rumah adat on Sumba have distinctive thatched "high hat" roofs and are wrapped with sheltered verandahs.
  • The Papuan Dani traditionally live in small family compounds composed of several circular huts known as honay with thatched dome roofs.

Religious architectures
  Hindu and Buddhist

Candi bentar split gate
Prambanan Temple
The temples of Majapahit have a strong geometrical quality with a sense of verticality achieved through the use of numerous horizontal lines often with an almost art-deco sense of streamlining and proportion. Majapahit influencess can be seen today in the enormous number of Hindu temples of varying sizes spread throughout Bali. Several significant temples can be found in every village, and shrines, even small temples found in most family homes. Although they have elements in common with global Hindu styles, they are of a style largely unique to Bali and owe much to the Majapahit era.

Kingdom of Mataram built the Prambanan complex near Yogyakarta; considered the largest and finest example of Hindu architecture in Java. The World Heritage-listed Buddhist monument Borobudur was built by the Sailendra Dynasty between 750 and 850 AD, but it was abandoned shortly after its completion as a result of the decline of Buddhism and a shift of power to eastern Java.

Vernacular Islamic
Kudus Mosque

Islam had become the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra, Indonesia's two most populous islands. As with Hinduism and Buddhism before it, the new religion, and the foreign influences that accompanied it, were absorbed and reinterpreted, with mosques given a unique Indonesian/Javanese interpretation. At the time, Javanese mosques took many design cues from Hindu, Buddhist, and even Chinese architectural influences 
An avenue of houses in a Torajan village
Main article from


   Hey guys in this blog i'll be showing you guys about sports around Indonesia.Sports in Indonesia are popular from both the participation and spectating aspect. Some popular sports in Indonesia are badmintonfootball, and the native Indonesian martial art Pencak Silat.
Some examples of sports in Indonesia are badminton, football, basketball, Pencak SIlat, cycling, boxing, sepak takraw, Australian Rules Football also played by Indonesia too, rugby (league and union), polo, and surfing.
In Indonesia football is the most popular sports, it is played by all level from children to middle-aged men.The Indonesian football league started around 1930 in the Dutch colonial era. In 1993, PSSI combined the existing 2 amateur competitions to be a single professional competition for football clubs, known as the Indonesian Football League (Liga Indonesia). Starting from 2008-09 season onwards, the competition format changed into a more common system that also being used in most European football leagues. The name also changed into Indonesia Super League.

Pencak Silat
Silat is an Indonesian native martial art, and Pencak Silat is an umbrella term for the indigenous martial arts created in Indonesia.Pencak silat has become one of sporting event in Pekan Olahraga Nasional and Southeast Asian Games with Indonesia as appear as one of the leading force in this sport. This martial art sport is also popular in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Pencak Silat

cycling is also known as a popular sports for some children and adults.

Main article


   Hey guys in this blog, i'll be showing you guys about Indonesia's places for tourism.Both nature and culture are major components of Indonesian tourism. The natural heritage can boast a unique combination of a tropical climate, vast archipelago and long stretch of beaches. These natural attractions are complemented by a rich cultural heritage that reflects Indonesia's dynamic history and ethnic diversity.
Some example of tourism landmark are Borobudur, Sam Poo Kong, Gunung Bromo, Danau Toba, Candi Prambanan, and many more.

Raja Ampat
Karimun Jawa
Borobudur and Prambanan
The ancient Prambanan and Borobudur temples, Toraja and Bali, with its Hindu festivities, are some of the popular destinations for cultural tourism.Indonesia has 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the Komodo National ParkCultural Landscape of BaliUjung Kulon National ParkLorentz National ParkTropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, comprises three national parks on the island of Sumatra: Gunung Leuser National ParkKerinci Seblat National Park and the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

The beaches in Bali, diving sites in BunakenMount Bromo in East JavaLake Toba and various national parks in Sumatra are just a few examples of popular scenic destinations. These natural attractions are complemented by a rich cultural heritage that reflects Indonesia's dynamic history and ethnic diversity.

Indonesia seems to have been a travel destination for centuries. Some panels in Borobudur bas-reliefs depicted drink vendors, warungs(small restaurant), tavern or lodging where people drinking and dancing. The historical record about travel in Indonesia can be found since 14th century.

Main article of tourism

Minggu, 27 November 2016


   Hey guys in this blog i'll be showing you about Indonesia's history. Indonesia has been conquer by Dutch, Japan, Portugal, British, and many more. About four million people died in Indonesia as a result of famine and forced labor during the Japanese occupation.
First President Sukarano
Vice President Mohammad Hatta

Indonesia has a constitution or a law that was and is now called UUD 1945. There are a history about UUD 1945 from

  • UUD 1945 (18 Agustus 1945 - 27 Desember 1945)
  • Constitution RIS (Republic Indonesia Serikat) (27 Desember 
  • UUDS 1950  (17-8-1950)
  • UUD 45 (5-7-1959)
  • UUD amandement 19-10-1999 till now

Main article

Kamis, 24 November 2016


   Hey guys in this blog I'll be showing you guys the traditional musical instrument in Indonesia. There are lots of musical instrument in Indonesia like Gamelan which consist of gambang, gendang, and gong, another musical instrument is kolintang/kulintang and angklung.

Gamelan and all the instruments
(gambang, gendang, and gong)
History about gamelan
Occurrences gamelan preceded by Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also represents the original art of Indonesia. The instrument was developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom.The description of the first ensemble musical instruments found in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, which has stood since the 8th century. Musical instruments such as the bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that is swiped and learned, is found in the relief.

Main article

Rabu, 16 November 2016


   Hey guys, in this blog i will be showing you guys traditional. There are more than 700 ethnic groups in Indonesia, each ethnic group has their own dances; makes total dances in Indonesia are more than 3,000 Indonesian original dances.
Hasil gambar untuk indonesian traditional dance

There are three historical era

  • The prehistoric Tribal era
  • The Hindu-Buddhist era
  • The Islamic era



Main article: Balinese dance




  • Tortor
  • Sigale-gale


  • Alang Babega
  • Indang
  • Lilin
  • Pasambahan
  • Payung
  • Piring
  • Randai
  • Rantak



  • Joget Melayu
  • Persembahan
  • Sekapur Sirih
  • Tandak
  • Zapin




  • Ma'badong

Bugis Makassar

  • Gandrang Bulo
  • Paduppa
  • Pakarena

Maluku and Papua


Main article: Javanese dance


Main article: Sundanese dance

Main article from

Sabtu, 05 November 2016


   Hey guys, in this blog i'll be showing you guys foods around Indonesia. Maybe some of them you may know and some not, such as rendang, bandeng, sate kebau, soto betawi, lunpia, sayur asem and etc.

Indonesia has custom, servings and consumption
Indonesian traditional meals usually consists of nasi as staple, surrounded by sayur-mayur, and lauk-pauk. In a typical family meal, the family members gather around the table filled with steamed rice and several other dishes.Indonesian meals are commonly eaten with the combination of a spoon in the right hand and fork in the left hand.

Most Indonesian cuisine uses spices such as black pepper, candlenut, shallot, tamarind, garlic, and etc. Sambals is also available as industrial processed products in bottles or jars. Terasi or belacan (shrimp paste) is also an important ingredients for flavouring, usually used in sambalrujak, or various vegetables dishes.

In ancient times, the kingdom of Sunda and the later sultanate of Banten were well known as the world's major producers of black pepper. After that hot and spicy sambals have become an important part of Indonesian cuisine. Sambal evolved into many variants across Indonesia, ones of the most popular is sambal terasi and sambal mangga muda . Dabu-dabu is North Sulawesi style of sambal with chopped fresh tomato, chili, and lime juice.

Regional dishes


Betawi cuisine of jakarta draw culinary influences from ChineseMalaySundanese, to Arab, Indian and European. Popular Betawi dishes include nasi uduk , sayur asem, asinan, gado-gadoketoprak, and kerak telor. Born from a creole or hybrid phenomena, the Betawi cuisine is quite similar to the Peranakan cuisine.

West Java

A textural speciality of Sunda (West Java) is karedokLalab fresh vegetables served with spicy sambal dipping sauce is ubiquitous in Sundanese households and eating establishments. Other Sundanese dishes include mie kocok which is a beef and egg noodle soup, and Soto Bandung, a beef and vegetable soup with daikon and lemon grass. A hawker favourite is kupat tahu. Colenak,and ulen are dishes usually eaten warm.

Central Java

The food of Central Java is renowned for its sweetness, and the dish of gudeg, a curry made from jackfruit, is a particularly sweet. The city of Yogyakarta is renowned for its ayam goreng and kleponSurakarta's (Solo) specialities include Nasi liwet, and serabi. Other Central Javanese specialities pecellotek, and opor ayam.

East Java

The food of East Java is similar to that of Central Java. East Java foods tend to be less sweet and spicier compare to the Central Javan ones.Some of the more popular foods are lontong kupang, lontong balap, sate klopo, semanggi surabaya, pecel lele, rawon. Food from Malang includes bakwan Malang and arem-arem.


Balinese cuisine dishes include lawarBebek betutu is duck stuffed with spices, wrapped in banana leaves and coconut husks cooked in a pit of embers. Balinese sate, known as sate lilit, is made from spiced mince pressed onto skewers which are often made from lemon grass sticks. Babi guling is a spit-roasted pig stuffed with chilli, turmeric, garlic, and gingerBasa gede or basa rajang is a spice paste that is a basic ingredient in many Balinese dishes.

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