Sabtu, 05 November 2016


   Hey guys, in this blog i'll be showing you guys foods around Indonesia. Maybe some of them you may know and some not, such as rendang, bandeng, sate kebau, soto betawi, lunpia, sayur asem and etc.

Indonesia has custom, servings and consumption
Indonesian traditional meals usually consists of nasi as staple, surrounded by sayur-mayur, and lauk-pauk. In a typical family meal, the family members gather around the table filled with steamed rice and several other dishes.Indonesian meals are commonly eaten with the combination of a spoon in the right hand and fork in the left hand.

Most Indonesian cuisine uses spices such as black pepper, candlenut, shallot, tamarind, garlic, and etc. Sambals is also available as industrial processed products in bottles or jars. Terasi or belacan (shrimp paste) is also an important ingredients for flavouring, usually used in sambalrujak, or various vegetables dishes.

In ancient times, the kingdom of Sunda and the later sultanate of Banten were well known as the world's major producers of black pepper. After that hot and spicy sambals have become an important part of Indonesian cuisine. Sambal evolved into many variants across Indonesia, ones of the most popular is sambal terasi and sambal mangga muda . Dabu-dabu is North Sulawesi style of sambal with chopped fresh tomato, chili, and lime juice.

Regional dishes


Betawi cuisine of jakarta draw culinary influences from ChineseMalaySundanese, to Arab, Indian and European. Popular Betawi dishes include nasi uduk , sayur asem, asinan, gado-gadoketoprak, and kerak telor. Born from a creole or hybrid phenomena, the Betawi cuisine is quite similar to the Peranakan cuisine.

West Java

A textural speciality of Sunda (West Java) is karedokLalab fresh vegetables served with spicy sambal dipping sauce is ubiquitous in Sundanese households and eating establishments. Other Sundanese dishes include mie kocok which is a beef and egg noodle soup, and Soto Bandung, a beef and vegetable soup with daikon and lemon grass. A hawker favourite is kupat tahu. Colenak,and ulen are dishes usually eaten warm.

Central Java

The food of Central Java is renowned for its sweetness, and the dish of gudeg, a curry made from jackfruit, is a particularly sweet. The city of Yogyakarta is renowned for its ayam goreng and kleponSurakarta's (Solo) specialities include Nasi liwet, and serabi. Other Central Javanese specialities pecellotek, and opor ayam.

East Java

The food of East Java is similar to that of Central Java. East Java foods tend to be less sweet and spicier compare to the Central Javan ones.Some of the more popular foods are lontong kupang, lontong balap, sate klopo, semanggi surabaya, pecel lele, rawon. Food from Malang includes bakwan Malang and arem-arem.


Balinese cuisine dishes include lawarBebek betutu is duck stuffed with spices, wrapped in banana leaves and coconut husks cooked in a pit of embers. Balinese sate, known as sate lilit, is made from spiced mince pressed onto skewers which are often made from lemon grass sticks. Babi guling is a spit-roasted pig stuffed with chilli, turmeric, garlic, and gingerBasa gede or basa rajang is a spice paste that is a basic ingredient in many Balinese dishes.

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