Kamis, 24 November 2016


   Hey guys in this blog I'll be showing you guys the traditional musical instrument in Indonesia. There are lots of musical instrument in Indonesia like Gamelan which consist of gambang, gendang, and gong, another musical instrument is kolintang/kulintang and angklung.

Gamelan and all the instruments
(gambang, gendang, and gong)
History about gamelan
Occurrences gamelan preceded by Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also represents the original art of Indonesia. The instrument was developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom.The description of the first ensemble musical instruments found in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, which has stood since the 8th century. Musical instruments such as the bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that is swiped and learned, is found in the relief.

Main article

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